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Old 03-27-2019, 09:53 AM   #1
Meo-Ada Mespotine
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Default IDE looses exact lengthcount, with Umlauts (FIXED)

Yesterday, I stumbled over a problem in the IDE, that took me a while to get.

It seems like, that the IDE messes up it's count for the length of a line, when the line exceeds 128 characters and has Umlauts in them.
When I'm at the beginning of the line, everything is fine. When I jump to the end of the line, the inserted character is "one off".
The longer the line, the more this odd offset becomes.

It happens also, when I move the cursor toward around the 127th/128th character, starting from the beginning of the line and hitting the left key until I reach that point.
After that, the offset in this line remains, until I hit the home-key.

I think, it is a Unicode-problem somehow, that confuses the editor in itself.

I attached a testscript with problematic usecases.

I found it on Windows 7, using Reaper 5.965 with SWS and JS-extension-plugin.

Edit: maybe interesting: I use german keyboard-layout. The ö and ä are next to the l key. ü is next to the p key.
Attached Files
File Type: lua test-newlines-bugreaper.lua (2.0 KB, 324 views)
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