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Old 04-20-2019, 10:16 AM   #1
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Default FX Parameters No Longer Link in 5.974

Please see this thread for details and confirmation that other users are having similar issues:


Maybe a moderator can move the thread here where it belongs. This is a pretty major break.

Thanks, Cockos team. You're the best!
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Old 04-20-2019, 10:18 AM   #2
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This seems to be working fine. Is there any chance you are mixing up the source and the target? The link only works in one direction.
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Old 04-20-2019, 11:30 AM   #3
Tone Ranger
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Posted a reply with a GIF link in the other thread! :-)
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Old 04-20-2019, 11:47 AM   #4
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I remain unable to reproduce any problem. It would be helpful if you could post a project that reproduces the problem using only included plugins. Here is a project demonstrating parameter linking, with the first volume FX affecting only the left channel and the second volume FX affecting only the right channel.

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Old 04-20-2019, 06:10 PM   #5
Tone Ranger
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Schwa, your session with parameter linking worked fine on my rig. After playing around a bit, it seems in my case it to be a bug in the VST3 version of Arousor. When I use the regular VST the parameters link no problem. Really appreciate you taking the time to look into this!

Xaos, you said you had issues with the parameter link on a bunch of different plug ins? I also tried linking parameters on ReaComp and it linked okay for me too....so it seems my issues are only with the VST3 version of Arousor.
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Old 04-22-2019, 02:10 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Tone Ranger View Post
Schwa, your session with parameter linking worked fine on my rig. After playing around a bit, it seems in my case it to be a bug in the VST3 version of Arousor. When I use the regular VST the parameters link no problem. Really appreciate you taking the time to look into this!

Xaos, you said you had issues with the parameter link on a bunch of different plug ins? I also tried linking parameters on ReaComp and it linked okay for me too....so it seems my issues are only with the VST3 version of Arousor.
I tried it with native plugins and many third party plugins in AU, VST, and VST3 formats. None worked.

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File Type: rpp ParamLinkTest.RPP (5.4 KB, 303 views)
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Last edited by Xaos; 04-22-2019 at 02:42 AM.
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Old 04-22-2019, 04:16 AM   #7
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Your project works fine here. I think you are mixing up the source and the target, as I suggested in post 2. You are linking the first ReaEQ from the second, not to the second.

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Old 04-22-2019, 08:23 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by schwa View Post
Your project works fine here. I think you are mixing up the source and the target, as I suggested in post 2. You are linking the first ReaEQ from the second, not to the second.
I wish it was that simple. As you can see by the "2:" in the screenshot of the Parameter Modulation Link window of the first instance, it's linked to the second instance (these are the only two FX in the test file:

I used to do this all the time, but I tried it both ways just to be sure I wasn't forgetting something obvious like that. It won't work on any plugin regardless of manufacturer, type, project, or direction. I have done everything: restarting my Mac and REAPER, making brand new projects and trying it with every ReaPlug and other plugs that I usually use, and even going back to projects where I had it set up and working before. All the settings are still as they were when they were working, but it just doesn't work anymore. It's very frustrating because I use this a LOT, usually on an FX send so I can link FX across tracks, primarily for subtly "unmasking" colliding frequencies.

Any other ideas?
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Last edited by Xaos; 04-22-2019 at 08:38 PM.
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Old 04-23-2019, 04:14 AM   #9
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You are linking instance 1 from instance 2. In your screencap, you are moving the control on instance 1 (which is at the bottom of your screen shot, look at the window titles). That is what is linked to. You need to be moving the control on instance 2.

Last edited by schwa; 04-23-2019 at 04:26 AM.
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Old 04-23-2019, 02:52 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by schwa View Post
You are linking instance 1 from instance 2. In your screencap, you are moving the control on instance 1 (which is at the bottom of your screen shot, look at the window titles). That is what is linked to. You need to be moving the control on instance 2.
Neither one changes it. I've tried it in both directions and using the control in both instances. I used to be able to move either one, anyway. They are linked, unlike a master and slave setup.
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Last edited by Xaos; 04-23-2019 at 10:22 PM.
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Old 04-23-2019, 05:08 PM   #11
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Well, your sample project does work out of the box here. Care to post your reaper.ini file?
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Old 04-23-2019, 10:24 PM   #12
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Here it be:


I greatly appreciate the help! This has really got me scratching my head.

The only thing I can think of that's out of the ordinary is that the i386 host launches and persists in my Dock any time I launch REAPER. (I always have several project tabs open at once. It helps me remember what I've got going on. So, it's been running when I'm making these test files.) AFAIK, I'm not actually using any 32 bit plugins in any projects. Is there any way to tell which plugin is invoking the bridge? I don't see anything in the Project Bay that tells whether a plugin is 32 or 64 bit.

I'll close everything and make another virgin file. I don't see why this would effect the linking behavior, but it's worth a shot. [EDIT: This had no effect. Closed all projects, restarted REAPER, and a brand new file with nothing but the two instances of ReaEQ gave no joy.]

Quick OT question, schwa: how did you make the animated gif that just shows the graph portion of the two ReaEQ windows? I used QuickTime to record the screen, then converted the .mov to an animated gif, and it only lets me select one portion of the screen, so I've to to capture the full widows. I'd like to be able make a gif like yours.
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Last edited by Xaos; 04-23-2019 at 11:03 PM.
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Old 04-24-2019, 03:34 AM   #13
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Thanks for the file .. but what we need is the reaper.ini file, not reapack.ini.
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Old 04-26-2019, 12:43 AM   #14
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Um… yeah. That would help. Sorry. Pain, sleep deprivation and a 13" monitor conspired to produce that foul.

Here's the correct file. Thanks again.

Why is this thread marked [RESOLVED]? It's more a bug than ever. Everything that should have fixed the issue has been tried, yet the problem persists. And since it's a very simple but important feature that used to work reliably on the same system with no obviously relevant changes to anything but the REAPER rev, shouldn't it be marked [ESCALATE] or something to that effect?

Thanks again for the help. It's greatly appreciated. This is a vital part of my workflow, since occasionally producing VO demos for 2 charities has turned into a huge list of NDA jobs for some "big name" demo producers because I use this feature as part of my "secret sauce" that uses multiband upward/downward compression/expansion along with a a few other unique techniques that make the most flattering parts of the voice actors' performances cut through the mix without resorting to any cop-outs like simple ducking or the nuance destroying MKH 416 that lazy engineers have, sadly, made an industry standard.

Without this feature, I might as well be trudging through the same mud as the Pro Fools or ilLogical herd. "REAPER" used to be the answer to the question "How do you turn this stuff around so quickly?" Now iI have to use "REAPER" to answer answer to a totally different question: "What is taking so long?" That's sad. I'm gonna have to change the app name to "BEAPEDE"—Broken Environment for Audio Production, Engineering Delays and Excuses. ;-) JK. I have total faith in the Cockos team to resolve this quickly, since that's what they are famous for doing. I brought this up in a YouTube comment, and someone replied, "just submit a bug report or mention it on the website, i'm sure they'll fix it in a few days." There's no other development team in the industry with that kind of reputation!
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Last edited by Xaos; 04-26-2019 at 01:37 AM.
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Old 04-26-2019, 07:01 AM   #15
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Can you look at the menubar with the main window active? Does it say information about the audio device? Or is the audio device closed?

In any case, if you hit play then stop, does the linking begin to work?
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Old 04-27-2019, 02:16 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Justin View Post
Can you look at the menubar with the main window active? Does it say information about the audio device? Or is the audio device closed?

In any case, if you hit play then stop, does the linking begin to work?
Okay, this is bizarre. It's working now. It works both with the default system sound and my UAD devices. And, it's working both ways, like before. Below are screenshots of the second instance linking to the first one, and I did it the other way around as well.

The only thing I can think of that might have fixed it was I booted my Mac from a Mojave partition because I was having trouble getting Yosemite to see external monitors, and I was hoping Mojave would have fixed the issue. (It didn't. Mojave is the first OS that isn't like having icepicks stabbed into your eyes, but it's COMPLETELY dysfunctional.). But when I booted back into Yosemite again, and viola! I got an external monitor to work for the first time EVER in either OS. (Sadly, it only worked for a projector, and not the monitor I needed.)

And now the Parameter linking is working like it used to. It must have been something stored in firmware or something else I can't figure out because it didn't clear out any of the cache files that it does when you boot the Mac into safe mode, and I'd rebooted the Mac several times while troubleshooting this. Rapid boot with all open windows and apps reopened, just like normal. So, I have no explanation as to what fixed it. It was the same project with the same Parameter link. I didn't change a thing. (The images below are after I changed it to link from instance 2 to instance 1 to verify it worked in both directions like before, but it was working before I changed anything.

Also, I searched for a screen capture utility that would write gifs, and was way happy to see the Cockos logo at the top of the licecapp page! The team at Cockos are the best!

Thanks for all of your help. I wish I knew why it was broken and how it was fixed, but I have no clue.

*Note to future readers: I was only using ReaEQ in this thread for testing purposes. It is NOT the EQ you want to use to do this in practice because there are scaling issues in ReaEQ that make the boost greater than the cut. I usually will use this in Pro-MB or Pro-Q³ for unmasking frequencies or the American version of TDL's Slick EQ if I want to insert a plugin in between EQs to get a effect limited to a certain frequency. If you're doing something like that, make sure to do a null test on the EQ you're using, because many do not have equally reciprocating inverse relationships.
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Last edited by Xaos; 05-04-2019 at 09:46 PM.
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