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Old 11-23-2020, 02:36 AM   #1
Geoff Waddington
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Default CSI: Devices, Setup, Help -- thread now closed -- use the new CSI v3 thread

This new thread will provide a place to discuss customized setups, sort out configuration issues, etc.

Here is the wiki page with installation instructions, CSI concepts, etc.


Here is the list of currently supported controllers, we will update it as more come online.

If your controller isn't listed and has 8/16 channels, you can always try the MCU, a lot of controllers will work, at least partially, with the MCU setup.

Console 1
Icon Platform Nano
Launch Pad Mini MK3
Mackie MCU
Mackie MCUXT
Mackie C4
Qcon Platform B
Qcon Platform M
Qcon ProX New Firmware
Stienberg CMC-QC-2

Last edited by Geoff Waddington; 04-29-2023 at 11:31 AM.
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Old 11-23-2020, 04:40 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Geoff Waddington View Post
This new thread will provide a place to discuss customized setups, sort out configuration issues, etc.

Here is the wiki page with installation instructions, CSI concepts, etc.


Here is the list of currently supported controllers, we will update it as more come online.

If your controller isn't listed and has 8/16 channels, you can always try the MCU, a lot of controllers will work, at least partially, with the MCU setup.

Console 1
Icon Platform Nano
Launch Pad Mini MK3
Mackie MCU
Mackie MCUXT
Mackie C4
Qcon Platform B
Qcon Platform M
Qcon ProX New Firmware
Stienberg CMC-QC-2
Hi, Geoff.

Got a question concerning the new set up.

I have a single channel surface (icon Nano) and an 8 channel surface (icon X+). The X+ was used for channels but also for FX and sends

I now have problems getting sends and FXzones to map to the 8 channel surface.

Before CSI 1.0 I ticked "Sync Zones Across Surfaces" and "Auto Map Focuse FX"
to make the surfaces work together.
What would be the equivalent with version 1.0?

I now it set up as 1 channel 0 or 1 sends/fx respectively, and 8 channel/fx/sends using

OnTrackSelection MapSelectedTrackSendsToWidgets and

OnFXFocus MapFocusedFXToWidgets with FocusedFXNavigator in FXzones

but as said, it doesn´t map to the 8 channels as it did before
(I get mapping of fx to the single channel though)
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Old 11-23-2020, 07:09 AM   #3
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WaveTrans, when I use my X-Touch One (one channel) along with my Artist Mix (8 channels) I configure the X-Touch One device in CSI as 0 faders, 0 sends, 0 FX menus. The .zon file for that device hard codes the TrackVolume to Fader1. Otherwise, when using it as a 1 fader device it was stealing channels from the Artist Mix. What happens if you try something similar with the 1 channel controller and keep the 8/8/8 and all related mapping on the 8 channel surface?
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Old 11-23-2020, 07:11 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Geoff Waddington View Post

Here is the list of currently supported controllers, we will update it as more come online.
You should probably throw a line in the about Eucon so someone doesn't think their Eucon hardware isn't supported out of the box.
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Old 11-23-2020, 07:43 AM   #5
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Hi Geoff!

I have a small problem here with my iCON QCon ProX/XS.
So what I want is for my extender to follow my main unit Zones and Displays. My main unit is set up like this:

- When I use a Rotary knob, it changes the Zone for "Pan" and displays the Pan value in a lower display.

-When I touch or move a fader, it changes for the "Channel" Zone and displays track volume in a lower display.

-I have also set up "name/Value" button for changing the Zones without moving Rotaries or Faders.

But those things only happen to matter in my Main unit and not with my extender. I can move between Zones if I move or touch my extender rotaries/faders but then my main unit will be still.. And also, the name/Value knob seems only to affect my main unit..
I am missing some kind of Synchronization between my main unit and extender.
Here is my Zone file:

Zone Home

Zone "Buttons"
Shift Shift
Option Option
Control Control
Alt Alt
Blank1 NoAction
Blank2 Reaper "40016" // PREFERENCES
Blank3 Reaper "40605" // ACTION LIST
Blank4 Reaper "40153" // MIDI EDITOR
Blank5 Reaper "41589" // ITEM PROPERTIES

Pan NoAction
Plugin ToggleMapSelectedTrackFXMenu
Plugin Reaper "_S&M_TOGLFXCHAIN"
Shift+Plugin GoZone FocusedFXParam
EQ NoAction
ChannelLeft TrackBank "-1"
ChannelRight TrackBank "1"
BankLeft TrackBank "-8"
BankRight TrackBank "8"
TimeDisplay TimeDisplay
smpteBeats CycleTimeDisplayModes
Rewind Rewind
FastForward FastForward
Stop Stop
Play Play
Record Reaper "1013"
F1 Reaper "40495" // RECORD MONITOR MODE
F2 Reaper "40702" // CREATE NEW TRACK
F4 Reaper "40005" // REMOVE TRACK
F5 Reaper "40062" // DUPLICATE TRACK
F7 Reaper "40042" // GO TO START
F8 Reaper "40296" // SELECT ALL TRACKS
F6L2 Reaper "40344" // BYPASS FX FOR ALL TRACKS
F7L2 Reaper "40549" // SHOW FX ABOVE MIXER
Read TrackAutoMode "1"
Shift+Read GlobalAutoMode "1"
Write TrackAutoMode "3"
Shift+Write GlobalAutoMode "3"
Trim TrackAutoMode "0"
Shift+Trim GlobalAutoMode "0"
Touch TrackAutoMode "2"
Shift+Touch GlobalAutoMode "2"
Latch TrackAutoMode "4"
Shift+Latch GlobalAutoMode "4"
Save Reaper "40026"
Shift+Save Reaper "40022" // SAVE PROJECT AS
Undo Reaper "40029"
Shift+Undo Reaper "40030" // REDO
Flip Reaper "40346" // TOGGLE FULLSCREEN
Normal Reaper "40173" // GO TO NEXT MARKER
Marker Reaper "40157" // INSERT MARKER
Loop CycleTimeline
nameValue GoZone Home
Click Reaper "40364" METRONOME
Solo Reaper "40340" // UNSOLO ALL TRACKS
Mode ToggleScrollLink 4
Zoom GoZone JogWheelZoom
Up Reaper "40111" // ZOOM IN VERTICAL
Down Reaper "40112" // ZOOM OUT VERTICAL
Left Reaper "1011" // ZOOM OUT HORIZONTAL
Right Reaper "1012" // ZOOM IN HORIZONTAL
Scrub GoZone JogWheel
JogWheelRotaryCW Reaper "41667" // NORMAL JOG RIGHT
JogWheelRotaryCCW Reaper "41666" // NORMAL JOG LEFT
Shift+JogWheelRotaryCW Reaper "1012" // ZOOM IN HOR
Shift+JogWheelRotaryCCW Reaper "1011" // ZOOM OUT HOR
Option+JogWheelRotaryCW Reaper "40111" // ZOOM IN VER
Option+JogWheelRotaryCCW Reaper "40112" // ZOOM OUT VER
Control+JogWheelRotaryCW Reaper "40103" // CREATE JOG TIMESEL R
Control+JogWheelRotaryCCW Reaper "40102" // CREATE JOG TIMESEL L


/MasterFader MasterTrackVolume

Zone "Channel"
VUMeter| TrackOutputMeterMaxPeakLR
/VUMeter| TrackOutputMeterAverageLR
DisplayUpper| TrackNameDisplay
DisplayLower| TrackVolumeDisplay
Rotary| GoZone Pan
RotaryPush| TrackUniqueSelect
nameValue GoZone Pan
Shift+nameValue GoZone PanWidth
Send GoZone Send
RecordArm| TrackRecordArm
Solo| TrackSolo
Mute| TrackMute
Select| TrackUniqueSelect
Shift+Select| TrackRangeSelect
Control+Select| TrackSelect
Shift+Control+Select| TogglePin
Option+Select| TrackFolderDive
Alt+Select| TrackUniqueSelect
Alt+Select| Reaper "41665"
Fader| TrackVolume
TrackTouch+Fader| TrackVolume
FaderTouch| TrackTouch

Zone "Pan"
DisplayUpper| TrackNameDisplay
DisplayLower| TrackPanDisplay
Rotary| TrackPan "1"
nameValue GoZone Home
Shift+nameValue GoZone PanWidth
RotaryPush| TrackUniqueSelect
Fader| TrackVolume
FaderTouch+Fader| GoZone Channel
Blank1 GoZone "Channel"

Zone "PanWidth"
DisplayLower| TrackPanWidthDisplay
Rotary| TrackPanWidth "1"
RotaryPush| GoZone Home
nameValue GoZone Home

Zone "Send"
DisplayUpper| TrackSendNameDisplay
DisplayLower| TrackSendVolumeDisplay
OnTrackSelection MapSelectedTrackSendsToWidgets
Mute| TrackSendMute
Fader| TrackSendVolume
Rotary| TrackSendPan
RotaryPush| GoZone Home
nameValue| GoZone Home

Zone "JogWheel"
JogWheelRotaryCW Reaper "40647" // GRID JOG RIGHT
JogWheelRotaryCCW Reaper "40646" // GRID JOG JOG LEFT
Shift+JogWheelRotaryCW Reaper "_SWS_MOVECUR5MSRIGHT" // SLOW JOG
Shift+JogWheelRotaryCCW Reaper "_SWS_MOVECUR5MSLEFT" // SLOW JOG
Scrub GoZone Home

Zone "JogWheelZoom"
JogWheelRotaryCW Reaper "1012" // ZOOM IN
JogWheelRotaryCCW Reaper "1011" // ZOOM OUT
Zoom GoZone Home

Zone "MasterChannel"
MasterChannelMeterLeft MasterTrackOutputMeter 0
MasterChannelMeterRight MasterTrackOutputMeter 1
MasterFader TrackVolume
MasterFaderTouch TrackTouch

Zone "FXMenu|1-8"
DisplayUpper| FXNameDisplay |
DisplayLower| NoAction
Rotary| NoAction
RotaryPush| GoFXSlot |

Zone "FocusedFXParam"
Fader1 FocusedFXParam
FaderTouch1 TrackTouch
DisplayUpper1 FocusedFXParamNameDisplay
DisplayLower1 FocusedFXParamValueDisplay
DisplayUpper2 NoAction
DisplayLower2 NoAction
DisplayUpper3 NoAction
DisplayLower3 NoAction
DisplayUpper4 NoAction
DisplayLower4 NoAction
DisplayUpper5 NoAction
DisplayLower5 NoAction
DisplayUpper6 NoAction
DisplayLower6 NoAction
DisplayUpper7 NoAction
DisplayLower7 NoAction
DisplayUpper8 NoAction
DisplayLower8 NoAction
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Old 11-23-2020, 07:57 AM   #6
Weston Minissali
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Originally Posted by Funkybot View Post
Is anything in the Channel Zone working? Or just not the rotaries? That zone looks good to me, unless I'm missing something totally obvious (which sometimes happens).
Nothing in Channel Zone is working. Only the UserButtons.

Also, where did we land on the Rotary Widgets?
Widget RotaryA1
     Fader7Bit b0 21 7f
     FB_Fader7Bit b0 21 7f 
Produces this read out:
IN <- BCR RotaryA1 0.007874
IN <- BCR RotaryA1 0.015748
IN <- BCR RotaryA1 0.023622
IN <- BCR RotaryA1 0.031496
IN <- BCR RotaryA1 0.039370
IN <- BCR RotaryA1 0.047244
IN <- BCR RotaryA1 0.055118
IN <- BCR RotaryA1 0.062992
IN <- BCR RotaryA1 0.070866
Widget RotaryA1
     Fader7Bit b0 21 7f b0 21 00
     FB_Fader7Bit b0 21 7f b0 21 00 
Produces this kind of read out:
IN <- BCR b0  21  1c 
IN <- BCR b0  21  1d 
IN <- BCR b0  21  1e 
IN <- BCR b0  21  1f 
IN <- BCR b0  21  20 
IN <- BCR b0  21  21 
IN <- BCR b0  21  22 
IN <- BCR b0  21  23 
IN <- BCR b0  21  24
Neither method is producing results.

After that, what's your CSI.ini look like? Do you have 8 Faders configured on the device in the CSI preferences?

I haven't touched my CSI.ini, but this is what it looks like:
Page "HomePage" FollowMCP SynchPages UseScrollLink NoTrackColoring { 39 255 45 }
MidiSurface "LaunchPad" 6 7 "LaunchPadMiniMK3.mst" "LaunchPadMiniMK3" 0 0 0 0 
OSCSurface "iPad" 8001 9001 "TouchOSCPad.ost" "TouchOSCPad" 0 0 0 0
OSCSurface "iPhone" 8000 9000 "TouchOSCPhone.ost" "TouchOSCPhone" 0 0 0 0
MidiSurface "A800" 10 8 "RolandA800.mst" "RolandA800" 0 0 0 0 
EuConSurface "EuCon" "EuCon" 64 8 8 0 
MidiSurface "BCR" 7 34 "BCR2000EDIT.mst" "BCR2000" 8 8 8 0
Also, if all else fails...just for the hell of it: put RotaryA1 first in the .mst then RotaryA2 then RotaryB1, then work up to RotaryG8. Then do the same for the Buttons and RotaryPush widgets. It probably doesn't make a difference, but putting RotaryG1 first just seems odd. And when you're trying to hunt down odd behavior, you want everything else to be as normal as possible.
Will work on this now and report back.

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Old 11-23-2020, 08:08 AM   #7
Weston Minissali
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Also, if all else fails...just for the hell of it: put RotaryA1 first in the .mst then RotaryA2 then RotaryB1, then work up to RotaryG8. Then do the same for the Buttons and RotaryPush widgets. It probably doesn't make a difference, but putting RotaryG1 first just seems odd. And when you're trying to hunt down odd behavior, you want everything else to be as normal as possible.
I rearranged the mst like this:

RotaryA1-A8 / then RotaryB1-B8 / RotaryC1-C8 / RotaryG1-G8 / RotaryPushG1-PushG8 / UserButton1-4 / UpperButton1-8 / LowerButton1-8

Still no response from anything but UserButtons. What could it be?!

Do you have 8 Faders configured on the device in the CSI preferences?
Where exactly do I indicate 8 faders? Under Midi Surface edit page I have selected for my BCR 8 channels, 8 number of sends and 8 number of FX menu. Should I change?

Also, when I edit HomePage I've selected Mixer Control Panel and ticked Synch Pages and Reaper Follows Surfaces.

Last edited by Weston Minissali; 11-23-2020 at 08:16 AM.
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Old 11-23-2020, 08:22 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Weston Minissali View Post
I haven't touched my CSI.ini, but this is what it looks like:
Page "HomePage" FollowMCP SynchPages UseScrollLink NoTrackColoring { 39 255 45 }
MidiSurface "LaunchPad" 6 7 "LaunchPadMiniMK3.mst" "LaunchPadMiniMK3" 0 0 0 0 
OSCSurface "iPad" 8001 9001 "TouchOSCPad.ost" "TouchOSCPad" 0 0 0 0
OSCSurface "iPhone" 8000 9000 "TouchOSCPhone.ost" "TouchOSCPhone" 0 0 0 0
MidiSurface "A800" 10 8 "RolandA800.mst" "RolandA800" 0 0 0 0 
EuConSurface "EuCon" "EuCon" 64 8 8 0 
MidiSurface "BCR" 7 34 "BCR2000EDIT.mst" "BCR2000" 8 8 8 0
I think that right there is your problem. Delete all those other surfaces in your CSI config. You only want the BCR2000 listed in CSI. All those other surfaces are Geoff's and are being assigned channels.

I'm confident that will fix it and you'll be good to go. Once you're setup and have a good .zon file that you're happy with, please share the files to save someone else from having to create a new .mst.
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Old 11-23-2020, 08:25 AM   #9
Weston Minissali
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Originally Posted by Funkybot View Post
I think that right there is your problem. Delete all those other surfaces in your CSI config. You only want the BCR2000 listed in CSI. All those other surfaces are Geoff's and are being assigned channels.

I'm confident that will fix it and you'll be good to go. Once you're setup and have a good .zon file that you're happy with, please share the files to save someone else from having to create a new .mst.
so all I should have in my CSI.ini is:

MidiSurface "BCR" 7 34 "BCR2000EDIT.mst" "BCR2000" 8 8 8 0
Should I change the midi ports? For some reason its set to 7 and 34...
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Old 11-23-2020, 08:28 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Weston Minissali View Post
so all I should have in my CSI.ini is:

MidiSurface "BCR" 7 34 "BCR2000EDIT.mst" "BCR2000" 8 8 8 0
Should I change the midi ports? For some reason its set to 7 and 34...
On second thought, here's what I'd do...

Don't manually edit the CSI.ini. Just delete it. Then go back to Reaper's Preferences -> Control/OSC/Web -> CSI, then Edit button. Now click on Page and create a new page. Call it home. Set it to follow MCP or TCP, your choice. Leave other stuff at default.

Now once the new Home Page is created, click Add MIDI and just add the BCR2000 like you previously did.

A new CSI.ini will be generated.

The 7 and 34 aren't traditional MIDI ports so leave that stuff alone. Let CSI create the CSI.ini file for you.
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Old 11-23-2020, 08:29 AM   #11
Weston Minissali
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Okay you were right. I cleaned up the CSI.ini to:

Page "HomePage" FollowTCP SynchPages UseScrollLink NoTrackColoring { 39 255 45 }
MidiSurface "BCR" 7 34 "BCR2000EDIT.mst" "BCR2000" 8 8 8 0
And am getting pan,solo and vol to work. for some reason not mute. Will look into now.


Widget RotaryA1
     Fader7Bit b0 21 7f b0 21 00
     FB_Fader7Bit b0 21 7f b0 21 00 
Trips it up and does NOT work. needs to be without bo 21 00
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Old 11-23-2020, 08:32 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Weston Minissali View Post
Okay you were right. I cleaned up the CSI.ini to:

Page "HomePage" FollowTCP SynchPages UseScrollLink NoTrackColoring { 39 255 45 }
MidiSurface "BCR" 7 34 "BCR2000EDIT.mst" "BCR2000" 8 8 8 0
And am getting pan,solo and vol to work. for some reason not mute. Will look into now.


Widget RotaryA1
     Fader7Bit b0 21 7f b0 21 00
     FB_Fader7Bit b0 21 7f b0 21 00 
Trips it up and does NOT work. needs to be without bo 21 00
Thanks for confirming. Geoff or I can update the wiki for Fader7Bit to avoid any confusion in the future.
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Old 11-23-2020, 09:16 AM   #13
Weston Minissali
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Assignable actions for buttons like FastForward, Mute etc it requires me to press the button twice to initiate the action.

Widget LowerButton2
	Press 90 29 7f 90 29 00
	FB_TwoState 90 29 7f 90 29 00
Which I have assigned to Solo, The action is only initiated when the note on message is sent.

Click 1- solos the track
Click 2 does nothing
Click 3- un-solos track.

Anyway to make it so 1 click solo, 2 click unsolo? That way the LED on the button will always correspond with solo on or off. and energy isn't wasted on an extra click.
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Old 11-23-2020, 09:22 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Weston Minissali View Post
Assignable actions for buttons like FastForward, Mute etc it requires me to press the button twice to initiate the action.

Widget LowerButton2
	Press 90 29 7f 90 29 00
	FB_TwoState 90 29 7f 90 29 00
Which I have assigned to Solo, The action is only initiated when the note on message is sent.

Click 1- solos the track
Click 2 does nothing
Click 3- un-solos track.

Anyway to make it so 1 click solo, 2 click unsolo? That way the LED on the button will always correspond with solo on or off. and energy isn't wasted on an extra click.
Ok, sounds like there's a good chance you'll need to update your Press widgets to AnyPress. Read this page on the wiki and see if AnyPress applies to your situation:


...the good news is a simple "Find and Replace" in the .mst may be all that's needed.
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Old 11-23-2020, 10:00 AM   #15
Weston Minissali
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I'm trying my best to dig into the manual so I stop asking so many questions but if you have the time I have a few more:

1) In my MST I have defined the 8 channels strip buttons, rotaries etc on the BCR. However There are 4 banks per preset on the BCR. Meaning 32 tracks total per preset. I am successfully controlling everything on Channels 1-8 but would like to expand that to 32 channels.

2) Right now I have UserButton 3= Stop, UserButton 4= Play. It would be great if I could combine those two buttons to = Record. Like hold UserButton 3 as a modifier then press UserButton4 = Record.

What would I put in my zon file for that?


Last edited by Weston Minissali; 11-24-2020 at 08:35 AM.
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Old 11-23-2020, 10:34 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Funkybot View Post
WaveTrans, when I use my X-Touch One (one channel) along with my Artist Mix (8 channels) I configure the X-Touch One device in CSI as 0 faders, 0 sends, 0 FX menus. The .zon file for that device hard codes the TrackVolume to Fader1. Otherwise, when using it as a 1 fader device it was stealing channels from the Artist Mix. What happens if you try something similar with the 1 channel controller and keep the 8/8/8 and all related mapping on the 8 channel surface?
Hi, thanks for your help. I tried 0/0/0 1/0/0 and 8/8/8 but it does not work as expected.
I have the send and FXMenu zones in the of the 8 Channel Surface. There are none in the Single channel surface.

If I try to toggle FX using a button like "Plugin - MapFocusedFXToWidgets" nothing happens when it comes to FX.zones which are for the 8 Channel surfaces, single channel FXzones work.

Before CSI1.0 I used "OnFXFocus MapFocusedFXToWidgets" if I used it in the new constellation on the 8 channels it works, but as soon as I switch to another FX, reaper crashes.

Sends don´t work at all when I try to toggle via a button like "Send- MapSelectedTrackSendsToWidgets". Sends work with virtual widgets like OnTrackSelection MapSelectedTrackSendsToWidgets but then the surface never leaves the Sends level until reaper is restarted.

Maybe something changed in the synchronization of zones, but thats only a wild guess?
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Old 11-23-2020, 10:39 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Weston Minissali View Post

I'm trying my best to dig into the manual so I stop asking so many questions but if you have the time I have a few more:

1) In my MST I have defined the 8 channels strip buttons, rotaries etc on the BCR. However There are 4 banks per preset on the BCR. Meaning 32 tracks total per preset. I am successfully controlling everything on Channels 1-8 but would like to expand that to 32 channels.

2) Right now I have UserButton 3= Stop, UserButton 4= Play. It would be great if I could combine those two buttons to = Record. Like hold UserButton 3 as a modifier then press UserButton4 = Record.

What would I put in my zon file for that?

I'm not sure I'm following. So you've got several rows of encoders/buttons/etc across 8 columns (i.e. "Channels"). The BCR has 4 banks per preset.

Question 1: How do you change banks on the BCR2000? Is it a button? Is that button mapped to CSI or does that button not transmit data?

Question 2: If you go to Bank 2, and move a Rotary or press a button, does the BCR transmit the same value as in Bank 1 for that widget? Or does the message change from like b0 00 7f to b1 00 7f?

Let me know if the same.

If it changes, do you have widgets mapped for each and every bank in your .mst? Example: RotaryA1 to RotaryA8 on bank one, on bank two RotaryA9 to RotaryA16, bank three has RotaryA17 to RotaryA24, bank four has RotaryA18 to RotaryA32?
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Old 11-23-2020, 10:59 AM   #18
Weston Minissali
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Question 1: How do you change banks on the BCR2000? Is it a button? Is that button mapped to CSI or does that button not transmit data? [/quote]

The bank buttons do not transmit midi data.

Question 2: If you go to Bank 2, and move a Rotary or press a button, does the BCR transmit the same value as in Bank 1 for that widget? Or does the message change from like b0 00 7f to b1 00 7f?
They currently are sending the same info even if I change the bank. But I'm pretty sure I can map them otherwise.


RotaryA1 thru A8 transmit: b0 21 7f thru b0 28 7f
B1-B8: b0 29 7f thru bo 30 7f
C1-c8: B0 31 7f thru bo 38 7f

When I move from Bank 1 to Bank 2, Should I now define RotaryD1-F8 in my MST with codes that follow where C8 left off?

Example RotaryD1: b0 39 7f etc

Do I need to redefine how many channels my surface has in Reaper Prefs or somewhere else?

Last edited by Weston Minissali; 11-24-2020 at 08:35 AM.
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Old 11-23-2020, 11:06 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Weston Minissali View Post
The bank buttons do not transmit midi data.

They currently are sending the same info even if I change the bank. But I'm pretty sure I can map them otherwise.


RotaryA1 thru A8 transmit: b0 21 7f thru b0 28 7f
B1-B8: b0 29 7f thru bo 30 7f
C1-c8: B0 31 7f thru bo 38 7f

When I move from Bank 1 to Bank 2, Should I now define RotaryD1-F8 in my MST with codes that follow where C8 left off?

Example RotaryD1: b0 39 7f etc

Do I need to redefine how many channels my surface has in Reaper Prefs or somewhere else?
Ok, so if the Bank buttons on the hardware do not transmit values that means they're "hardwired" to do banking internally. That can be very good.

Here's what I would do:

I'd map RotaryA1-A8 on Bank 1.
Taking that same row on bank 2, I'd map RotaryA9-A16 on Bank 2, all the way up to RotaryA25-A32 on Bank 4.

Then you're going to have RotaryA1 to RotaryA32. And you'll repeat that for the other rotaries and buttons.

Then you've basically got yourself a 32 channel surface in CSI. You'll probably just need to update the Fader count on the CSI Device Config.

And the reason we want to stick with A1 to A32 (vs. changing the convention) is because the zone file is already configured to map RotaryA as many times as it exists to the channels.

Zone "Channel"
     RotaryA|   TrackVolume
If you were to change the widget naming convention for each new bank, then you'd want to keep your channels on page 1 of the BCR using only Rotary1-8 and assign some button to banking. Which is also possible. Up to you.

Last edited by Funkybot; 11-23-2020 at 11:11 AM.
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Old 11-23-2020, 01:17 PM   #20
Geoff Waddington
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Originally Posted by WaveTrans View Post
Hi, Geoff.

Got a question concerning the new set up.

I have a single channel surface (icon Nano) and an 8 channel surface (icon X+). The X+ was used for channels but also for FX and sends

I now have problems getting sends and FXzones to map to the 8 channel surface.

Before CSI 1.0 I ticked "Sync Zones Across Surfaces" and "Auto Map Focuse FX"
to make the surfaces work together.
What would be the equivalent with version 1.0?

I now it set up as 1 channel 0 or 1 sends/fx respectively, and 8 channel/fx/sends using

OnTrackSelection MapSelectedTrackSendsToWidgets and

OnFXFocus MapFocusedFXToWidgets with FocusedFXNavigator in FXzones

but as said, it doesn´t map to the 8 channels as it did before
(I get mapping of fx to the single channel though)
Yes, you are right, "Sync Zones Across Surfaces" is gone and "Auto Map Focused FX" is always on.

So you would have to set up your 8 channel Zone so the it contains
onFXFocus MapFocusedFXToWidgets with FocusedFXNavigator in FXzones
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Old 11-23-2020, 01:22 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by StormBlåst View Post
Hi Geoff!

I have a small problem here with my iCON QCon ProX/XS.
So what I want is for my extender to follow my main unit Zones and Displays. My main unit is set up like this:

- When I use a Rotary knob, it changes the Zone for "Pan" and displays the Pan value in a lower display.

-When I touch or move a fader, it changes for the "Channel" Zone and displays track volume in a lower display.

-I have also set up "name/Value" button for changing the Zones without moving Rotaries or Faders.

But those things only happen to matter in my Main unit and not with my extender. I can move between Zones if I move or touch my extender rotaries/faders but then my main unit will be still.. And also, the name/Value knob seems only to affect my main unit..
I am missing some kind of Synchronization between my main unit and extender.
Here is my Zone file:
Can you please repost this using the code tags -- it is extremely hard to decipher right now.

I'll substitute the word bode for code to show how it's done:


your zone goes here

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Old 11-24-2020, 02:43 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Geoff Waddington View Post
Yes, you are right, "Sync Zones Across Surfaces" is gone and "Auto Map Focused FX" is always on.

So you would have to set up your 8 channel Zone so the it contains
onFXFocus MapFocusedFXToWidgets with FocusedFXNavigator in FXzones
Many thanks, Geoff!

That works for FX.
I set up the surfaces as 1/0/0 and 8/8/8 and when I open an FX menu, a selected FX maps to the surface

Please allow two more questions.

1) How to set up sends? So that they are mapped when the sends menu is opened?

I tried "OnTrackSelection MapSelectedTrackSendsToWidgets" but then the 8 channels stay in sends mode.

2) Reaper crashes when I select certain FX.zones like the one ReaComp.zone below, crashes occur in all project environments.

EDIT: I´m not so shure anymore, if this is limited to certain FX.zones. Sometimes switching between a couple of FX let´s reaper crash, rarely it works all normal and selecting the next track and the fxmenu on it will crash reaper.

crashes initiated by selecting ReaComp, ReaVerb and ReaVerbate and some more vst plugins

This is independent of the setup 1/0/0 or 1/1/1 8/8/8 of the surfaces

Also happens with the build from 2020/11/17 and all previous builds of CSI1.0

Zone "VST: ReaComp (Cockos)" "ReaComp"
	DisplayUpper1	FXParamNameDisplay "0" "Thresh"
	DisplayLower1 	FXParamNameDisplay "16" "AutoRelease"
	Fader1 	     	FXParam            "0" "Thresh"
	Rotary1         FXParam 	   "0" "Thresh"     [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	RotaryPush1     FXParam             "16" "AutoRelease" [ 0.0 1.0 ]
	DisplayUpper2	FXParamNameDisplay "2" "Attack"
	Fader2 	        FXParam 	   "2" "Attack" 
	Rotary2         FXParam 	   "2" "Attack" [ 0.0>1.0 ] 
	RotaryPush2     FXParam            "2" "Attack" [ 0.0 0.003 0.006  ]

	DisplayUpper3	FXParamNameDisplay  "3" "Release"
        Fader3 	        FXParam 	   "3" "Release"
	Rotary3         FXParam 	    "3" "Release" [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	RotaryPush3     FXParam             "3" "Release" [ 0.0 0.01 0.02  ]
	DisplayUpper4	FXParamNameDisplay "1" 	"Ratio"
	DisplayLower4 	FXParamValueDisplay "1" "Ratio"
	Fader4 	        FXParam 	    "1" "Ratio" [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	Rotary4         FXParam 	    "1" "Ratio" [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	RotaryPush4 	FXParam             "1" "Ratio" [ 0.0 0.01 0.02 1.0 ]
	DisplayUpper5	FXParamNameDisplay "11" "Wet/Dry"
	DisplayLower5 	FXParamNameDisplay "19" "Bypass"
	Fader5       	FXParam 	   "11" "Wet"    [ 0.0>1.5 ]
	Rotary5         FXParam            "10" "Dry"    [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	RotaryPush5     FXParam            "19" "Bypass" [ 0.0 1.0 ]
 	DisplayLower6 	FXParamNameDisplay "4" "PreComp"
	DisplayLower6 	FXParamNameDisplay "15" "AutoMkUp"
	Fader6          FXParam             "4" "Pre-comp" [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	Rotary6         NoAction
	RotaryPush6     FXParam            "15" "AutoMkUp"[ 0.0 1.0 ]
	DisplayUpper7	FXParamNameDisplay "13" "RMS"
	DisplayLower7 	FXParamNameDisplay "6" "LoP"
	Fader7          FXParam            "13" "RMS size"
	Rotary7         FXParam            "6" "Lowpass" [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	RotaryPush7     FXParam            "6" "Lowpass" [ 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.8 1.0 ]
	DisplayUpper8	FXParamNameDisplay "14" "Knee"
	DisplayLower8 	FXParamNameDisplay "7" "HiP"
	Fader8          FxParam            "14" "Knee"
	Rotary8         FXParam            "7" "Hipass" [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	RotaryPush8     FXParam            "7" "Hipass" [ 0.0 0.00175 0.002 0.005 0.0075 ]
	RotaryPush1 NoAction
	RotaryPush5 NoAction
	RotaryPush6 NoAction


Last edited by WaveTrans; 11-24-2020 at 05:59 AM.
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Old 11-24-2020, 04:23 AM   #23
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Success! I've managed to begin mapping my Softube Console 1 AND Console 1 Fader using the Control Surface Integrator!

I'm so happy it works! Thanks a million Geoff, and everyone else!

There are snags and issues to fix, but conceptually it works just fine at the moment, when you get to understand the layout and syntax and stuff. Faders all work, which is great, and they're fully 7BitFaders, so that's really good news.

I'm sure there's a way to send some kind of data to Console1 in order to trigger the "Fine Adjust Mode" for the knobs, since you can get this to work using the Softube software. If I only knew a way to find this out...

I'll post the Console1Fader.mst here as soon as I've completed it.
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Old 11-24-2020, 08:11 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Geoff Waddington View Post
Can you please repost this using the code tags -- it is extremely hard to decipher right now.

I'll substitute the word bode for code to show how it's done:


your zone goes here


Sorry mate, my bad! Here is a new try

Hi Geoff!

I have a small problem here with my iCON QCon ProX/XS.
So what I want is for my extender to follow my main unit Zones and Displays. My main unit is set up like this:

- When I use a Rotary knob, it changes the Zone for "Pan" and displays the Pan value in a lower display.

-When I touch or move a fader, it changes for the "Channel" Zone and displays track volume in a lower display.

-I have also set up "name/Value" button for changing the Zones without moving Rotaries or Faders.

But those things only happen to matter in my Main unit and not with my extender. I can move between Zones if I move or touch my extender rotaries/faders but then my main unit will be still.. And also, the name/Value knob seems only to affect my main unit..
I am missing some kind of Synchronization between my main unit and extender.
Here is my Zone file:

Zone Home

Zone "Buttons"
	Shift					Shift
	Option				Option
	Control				Control
	Alt					Alt
	Blank1				NoAction
	Blank2				Reaper "40016" // PREFERENCES
	Blank3				Reaper "40605" // ACTION LIST
	Blank4				Reaper "40153" // MIDI EDITOR 
	Blank5				Reaper "41589" // ITEM PROPERTIES
	Pan					NoAction
	Plugin				ToggleMapSelectedTrackFXMenu
	Plugin				Reaper "_S&M_TOGLFXCHAIN"
	Shift+Plugin			GoZone FocusedFXParam
	EQ NoAction
	ChannelLeft			TrackBank "-1"
	ChannelRight			TrackBank "1"
	BankLeft				TrackBank "-8"
	BankRight				TrackBank "8"
	TimeDisplay			TimeDisplay
	smpteBeats CycleTimeDisplayModes
	Rewind				Rewind
	FastForward			FastForward
	Stop					Stop
	Play					Play
	Record				Reaper "1013"
	F1 Reaper "40495" // RECORD MONITOR MODE
	F2 Reaper "40702" // CREATE NEW TRACK  
	F4 Reaper "40005" // REMOVE TRACK 
	F5 Reaper "40062" // DUPLICATE TRACK 
	F6 Reaper "41817" // CONTINUOUS SCROLLING
	F7 Reaper "40042" // GO TO START
	F8 Reaper "40296" // SELECT ALL TRACKS
	F2L2 Reaper "1042" // FOLDER COLLAPSE STATE
	F6L2 Reaper "40344" // BYPASS FX FOR ALL TRACKS
	F7L2 Reaper "40549" // SHOW FX ABOVE MIXER
	Read					TrackAutoMode "1"
	Shift+Read				GlobalAutoMode "1"
	Write					TrackAutoMode "3"
	Shift+Write			GlobalAutoMode "3"
	Trim					TrackAutoMode "0"
	Shift+Trim				GlobalAutoMode "0"
	Touch					TrackAutoMode "2"
	Shift+Touch			GlobalAutoMode "2"
	Latch					TrackAutoMode "4"
	Shift+Latch			GlobalAutoMode "4"
	Save					Reaper "40026" 
	Shift+Save			Reaper "40022" // SAVE PROJECT AS 
	Undo					Reaper "40029"
	Shift+Undo				Reaper "40030" // REDO
	Flip				Reaper "40346" // TOGGLE FULLSCREEN
	Normal			Reaper "40173" // GO TO NEXT MARKER
	Marker			Reaper "40157" // INSERT MARKER
	Loop					CycleTimeline
	nameValue				GoZone Home
	Click					Reaper "40364" METRONOME
	Solo				Reaper "40340" // UNSOLO ALL TRACKS
	Mode					ToggleScrollLink 4
	Zoom					GoZone JogWheelZoom
	Up				Reaper "40111" // ZOOM IN VERTICAL
	Down				Reaper "40112" // ZOOM OUT VERTICAL
	Left				Reaper "1011" // ZOOM OUT HORIZONTAL
	Right				Reaper "1012" // ZOOM IN HORIZONTAL
	Scrub				GoZone JogWheel
	JogWheelRotaryCW Reaper "41667" // NORMAL JOG RIGHT
	JogWheelRotaryCCW Reaper "41666" // NORMAL JOG LEFT
	Shift+JogWheelRotaryCW Reaper "1012" // ZOOM IN HOR
	Shift+JogWheelRotaryCCW Reaper "1011" // ZOOM OUT HOR
	Option+JogWheelRotaryCW Reaper "40111" // ZOOM IN VER
	Option+JogWheelRotaryCCW Reaper "40112" // ZOOM OUT VER
	Control+JogWheelRotaryCW Reaper "40103" // CREATE JOG TIMESEL R
	Control+JogWheelRotaryCCW Reaper "40102" // CREATE JOG TIMESEL L


	/MasterFader MasterTrackVolume

Zone "Channel"
	VUMeter|  TrackOutputMeterMaxPeakLR
	/VUMeter|  TrackOutputMeterAverageLR
	DisplayUpper|  TrackNameDisplay
	DisplayLower|               TrackVolumeDisplay
	Rotary|                     GoZone Pan
	RotaryPush| 	TrackUniqueSelect
	nameValue				GoZone Pan
	Shift+nameValue			GoZone PanWidth
	Send		GoZone Send
	RecordArm|  TrackRecordArm
	Solo|  TrackSolo
	Mute| TrackMute
	Select|  TrackUniqueSelect
	Shift+Select|  TrackRangeSelect
	Control+Select|  TrackSelect
	Shift+Control+Select| TogglePin
	Option+Select| TrackFolderDive
     Alt+Select| TrackUniqueSelect
     Alt+Select| Reaper "41665"
	Fader|  TrackVolume
	TrackTouch+Fader|  TrackVolume
	FaderTouch|  TrackTouch

Zone "Pan"
	DisplayUpper|  TrackNameDisplay
	DisplayLower|  TrackPanDisplay
	Rotary| TrackPan "1"
	nameValue				GoZone Home
	Shift+nameValue			GoZone PanWidth
	RotaryPush| 	TrackUniqueSelect
	Fader|  TrackVolume
	FaderTouch+Fader|  GoZone Channel
	Blank1				GoZone "Channel"

Zone "PanWidth"
	DisplayLower|  TrackPanWidthDisplay
	Rotary| TrackPanWidth "1"
	RotaryPush|			GoZone Home
	nameValue				GoZone Home

Zone "Send"
      DisplayUpper| TrackSendNameDisplay
      DisplayLower| TrackSendVolumeDisplay  
	OnTrackSelection MapSelectedTrackSendsToWidgets
	Mute| TrackSendMute
      Fader| TrackSendVolume
      Rotary| TrackSendPan
      RotaryPush| GoZone Home
	nameValue| GoZone Home

Zone "JogWheel"
	JogWheelRotaryCW Reaper "40647" // GRID JOG RIGHT
	JogWheelRotaryCCW Reaper "40646" // GRID JOG JOG LEFT
	Shift+JogWheelRotaryCW Reaper "_SWS_MOVECUR5MSRIGHT" // SLOW JOG
	Shift+JogWheelRotaryCCW Reaper "_SWS_MOVECUR5MSLEFT" // SLOW JOG
	Scrub				GoZone Home

Zone "JogWheelZoom"
	JogWheelRotaryCW Reaper "1012" // ZOOM IN
	JogWheelRotaryCCW Reaper "1011" // ZOOM OUT
	Zoom				GoZone Home

Zone "MasterChannel"
     MasterChannelMeterLeft MasterTrackOutputMeter 0
     MasterChannelMeterRight MasterTrackOutputMeter 1
	MasterFader TrackVolume
	MasterFaderTouch TrackTouch

Zone "FXMenu|1-8"
      DisplayUpper| FXNameDisplay |
      DisplayLower| NoAction
      Rotary| NoAction
      RotaryPush| GoFXSlot |

Zone "FocusedFXParam"
      Fader1 FocusedFXParam
      FaderTouch1 TrackTouch
      DisplayUpper1 FocusedFXParamNameDisplay
      DisplayLower1 FocusedFXParamValueDisplay
      DisplayUpper2 NoAction
      DisplayLower2 NoAction
      DisplayUpper3 NoAction
      DisplayLower3 NoAction
      DisplayUpper4 NoAction
      DisplayLower4 NoAction
      DisplayUpper5 NoAction
      DisplayLower5 NoAction
      DisplayUpper6 NoAction
      DisplayLower6 NoAction
      DisplayUpper7 NoAction
      DisplayLower7 NoAction
      DisplayUpper8 NoAction
      DisplayLower8 NoAction
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Old 11-24-2020, 09:04 AM   #25
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Hey everybody. I posted this in the other thread and got no response. Its al good I know evryone busy .but maybe this is the thread for this. Keep forgetting its split up.anyway....

Looking for some touchosc guidance if possible. I started experimenting trying to get something going on my android phone to no avail. Followed the wiki and tried downloading one of the csi touch layouts to my phone. Kept getting error unable to reach host.

Is it possible to use one of the layouts that come with the touchosc app ? I have no idea what I'm doing so I'm just trying different things.If I use one of thr touchosc layouts then I suppose I have to make a new ost and zone file?

What I'm interested in is a simple touch transport on my phone to work stop,play,record while I'm away at my instrument.

Trying to figure out how to go bout doing that. Or just to get something working. Maybe this is just a little out my league. But any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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Old 11-24-2020, 10:56 AM   #26
Geoff Waddington
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Originally Posted by WaveTrans View Post
Many thanks, Geoff!

That works for FX.
I set up the surfaces as 1/0/0 and 8/8/8 and when I open an FX menu, a selected FX maps to the surface

Please allow two more questions.

1) How to set up sends? So that they are mapped when the sends menu is opened?

I tried "OnTrackSelection MapSelectedTrackSendsToWidgets" but then the 8 channels stay in sends mode.

2) Reaper crashes when I select certain FX.zones like the one ReaComp.zone below, crashes occur in all project environments.

EDIT: I´m not so shure anymore, if this is limited to certain FX.zones. Sometimes switching between a couple of FX let´s reaper crash, rarely it works all normal and selecting the next track and the fxmenu on it will crash reaper.

crashes initiated by selecting ReaComp, ReaVerb and ReaVerbate and some more vst plugins

This is independent of the setup 1/0/0 or 1/1/1 8/8/8 of the surfaces

Also happens with the build from 2020/11/17 and all previous builds of CSI1.0

Zone "VST: ReaComp (Cockos)" "ReaComp"
	DisplayUpper1	FXParamNameDisplay "0" "Thresh"
	DisplayLower1 	FXParamNameDisplay "16" "AutoRelease"
	Fader1 	     	FXParam            "0" "Thresh"
	Rotary1         FXParam 	   "0" "Thresh"     [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	RotaryPush1     FXParam             "16" "AutoRelease" [ 0.0 1.0 ]
	DisplayUpper2	FXParamNameDisplay "2" "Attack"
	Fader2 	        FXParam 	   "2" "Attack" 
	Rotary2         FXParam 	   "2" "Attack" [ 0.0>1.0 ] 
	RotaryPush2     FXParam            "2" "Attack" [ 0.0 0.003 0.006  ]

	DisplayUpper3	FXParamNameDisplay  "3" "Release"
        Fader3 	        FXParam 	   "3" "Release"
	Rotary3         FXParam 	    "3" "Release" [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	RotaryPush3     FXParam             "3" "Release" [ 0.0 0.01 0.02  ]
	DisplayUpper4	FXParamNameDisplay "1" 	"Ratio"
	DisplayLower4 	FXParamValueDisplay "1" "Ratio"
	Fader4 	        FXParam 	    "1" "Ratio" [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	Rotary4         FXParam 	    "1" "Ratio" [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	RotaryPush4 	FXParam             "1" "Ratio" [ 0.0 0.01 0.02 1.0 ]
	DisplayUpper5	FXParamNameDisplay "11" "Wet/Dry"
	DisplayLower5 	FXParamNameDisplay "19" "Bypass"
	Fader5       	FXParam 	   "11" "Wet"    [ 0.0>1.5 ]
	Rotary5         FXParam            "10" "Dry"    [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	RotaryPush5     FXParam            "19" "Bypass" [ 0.0 1.0 ]
 	DisplayLower6 	FXParamNameDisplay "4" "PreComp"
	DisplayLower6 	FXParamNameDisplay "15" "AutoMkUp"
	Fader6          FXParam             "4" "Pre-comp" [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	Rotary6         NoAction
	RotaryPush6     FXParam            "15" "AutoMkUp"[ 0.0 1.0 ]
	DisplayUpper7	FXParamNameDisplay "13" "RMS"
	DisplayLower7 	FXParamNameDisplay "6" "LoP"
	Fader7          FXParam            "13" "RMS size"
	Rotary7         FXParam            "6" "Lowpass" [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	RotaryPush7     FXParam            "6" "Lowpass" [ 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.8 1.0 ]
	DisplayUpper8	FXParamNameDisplay "14" "Knee"
	DisplayLower8 	FXParamNameDisplay "7" "HiP"
	Fader8          FxParam            "14" "Knee"
	Rotary8         FXParam            "7" "Hipass" [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	RotaryPush8     FXParam            "7" "Hipass" [ 0.0 0.00175 0.002 0.005 0.0075 ]
	RotaryPush1 NoAction
	RotaryPush5 NoAction
	RotaryPush6 NoAction

You can just use a button to map the Sends:

someButton MapSelectedTrackSendsToWidgets
Then just GoZone "Home" to get back to normal.

You don't need the / characters at the beginning of empty lines.

As far as the crashes, replace:

	Rotary7         FXParam            "6" "Lowpass" [ 0.0>1.0 ]

	Rotary7         FXParam            "6" "Lowpass"
and see if it stops crashing.
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Old 11-24-2020, 10:57 AM   #27
Geoff Waddington
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Originally Posted by ramses View Post
Success! I've managed to begin mapping my Softube Console 1 AND Console 1 Fader using the Control Surface Integrator!

I'm so happy it works! Thanks a million Geoff, and everyone else!

There are snags and issues to fix, but conceptually it works just fine at the moment, when you get to understand the layout and syntax and stuff. Faders all work, which is great, and they're fully 7BitFaders, so that's really good news.

I'm sure there's a way to send some kind of data to Console1 in order to trigger the "Fine Adjust Mode" for the knobs, since you can get this to work using the Softube software. If I only knew a way to find this out...

I'll post the Console1Fader.mst here as soon as I've completed it.
Just press and hold the button on the lower left of the Console 1, it automatically makes the rotaries more fine.
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Old 11-24-2020, 11:01 AM   #28
Geoff Waddington
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Originally Posted by StormBlåst View Post
Sorry mate, my bad! Here is a new try

Hi Geoff!

I have a small problem here with my iCON QCon ProX/XS.
So what I want is for my extender to follow my main unit Zones and Displays. My main unit is set up like this:

- When I use a Rotary knob, it changes the Zone for "Pan" and displays the Pan value in a lower display.

-When I touch or move a fader, it changes for the "Channel" Zone and displays track volume in a lower display.

-I have also set up "name/Value" button for changing the Zones without moving Rotaries or Faders.

But those things only happen to matter in my Main unit and not with my extender. I can move between Zones if I move or touch my extender rotaries/faders but then my main unit will be still.. And also, the name/Value knob seems only to affect my main unit..
I am missing some kind of Synchronization between my main unit and extender.
Here is my Zone file:

Zone Home

Zone "Buttons"
	Shift					Shift
	Option				Option
	Control				Control
	Alt					Alt
	Blank1				NoAction
	Blank2				Reaper "40016" // PREFERENCES
	Blank3				Reaper "40605" // ACTION LIST
	Blank4				Reaper "40153" // MIDI EDITOR 
	Blank5				Reaper "41589" // ITEM PROPERTIES
	Pan					NoAction
	Plugin				ToggleMapSelectedTrackFXMenu
	Plugin				Reaper "_S&M_TOGLFXCHAIN"
	Shift+Plugin			GoZone FocusedFXParam
	EQ NoAction
	ChannelLeft			TrackBank "-1"
	ChannelRight			TrackBank "1"
	BankLeft				TrackBank "-8"
	BankRight				TrackBank "8"
	TimeDisplay			TimeDisplay
	smpteBeats CycleTimeDisplayModes
	Rewind				Rewind
	FastForward			FastForward
	Stop					Stop
	Play					Play
	Record				Reaper "1013"
	F1 Reaper "40495" // RECORD MONITOR MODE
	F2 Reaper "40702" // CREATE NEW TRACK  
	F4 Reaper "40005" // REMOVE TRACK 
	F5 Reaper "40062" // DUPLICATE TRACK 
	F6 Reaper "41817" // CONTINUOUS SCROLLING
	F7 Reaper "40042" // GO TO START
	F8 Reaper "40296" // SELECT ALL TRACKS
	F2L2 Reaper "1042" // FOLDER COLLAPSE STATE
	F6L2 Reaper "40344" // BYPASS FX FOR ALL TRACKS
	F7L2 Reaper "40549" // SHOW FX ABOVE MIXER
	Read					TrackAutoMode "1"
	Shift+Read				GlobalAutoMode "1"
	Write					TrackAutoMode "3"
	Shift+Write			GlobalAutoMode "3"
	Trim					TrackAutoMode "0"
	Shift+Trim				GlobalAutoMode "0"
	Touch					TrackAutoMode "2"
	Shift+Touch			GlobalAutoMode "2"
	Latch					TrackAutoMode "4"
	Shift+Latch			GlobalAutoMode "4"
	Save					Reaper "40026" 
	Shift+Save			Reaper "40022" // SAVE PROJECT AS 
	Undo					Reaper "40029"
	Shift+Undo				Reaper "40030" // REDO
	Flip				Reaper "40346" // TOGGLE FULLSCREEN
	Normal			Reaper "40173" // GO TO NEXT MARKER
	Marker			Reaper "40157" // INSERT MARKER
	Loop					CycleTimeline
	nameValue				GoZone Home
	Click					Reaper "40364" METRONOME
	Solo				Reaper "40340" // UNSOLO ALL TRACKS
	Mode					ToggleScrollLink 4
	Zoom					GoZone JogWheelZoom
	Up				Reaper "40111" // ZOOM IN VERTICAL
	Down				Reaper "40112" // ZOOM OUT VERTICAL
	Left				Reaper "1011" // ZOOM OUT HORIZONTAL
	Right				Reaper "1012" // ZOOM IN HORIZONTAL
	Scrub				GoZone JogWheel
	JogWheelRotaryCW Reaper "41667" // NORMAL JOG RIGHT
	JogWheelRotaryCCW Reaper "41666" // NORMAL JOG LEFT
	Shift+JogWheelRotaryCW Reaper "1012" // ZOOM IN HOR
	Shift+JogWheelRotaryCCW Reaper "1011" // ZOOM OUT HOR
	Option+JogWheelRotaryCW Reaper "40111" // ZOOM IN VER
	Option+JogWheelRotaryCCW Reaper "40112" // ZOOM OUT VER
	Control+JogWheelRotaryCW Reaper "40103" // CREATE JOG TIMESEL R
	Control+JogWheelRotaryCCW Reaper "40102" // CREATE JOG TIMESEL L


	/MasterFader MasterTrackVolume

Zone "Channel"
	VUMeter|  TrackOutputMeterMaxPeakLR
	/VUMeter|  TrackOutputMeterAverageLR
	DisplayUpper|  TrackNameDisplay
	DisplayLower|               TrackVolumeDisplay
	Rotary|                     GoZone Pan
	RotaryPush| 	TrackUniqueSelect
	nameValue				GoZone Pan
	Shift+nameValue			GoZone PanWidth
	Send		GoZone Send
	RecordArm|  TrackRecordArm
	Solo|  TrackSolo
	Mute| TrackMute
	Select|  TrackUniqueSelect
	Shift+Select|  TrackRangeSelect
	Control+Select|  TrackSelect
	Shift+Control+Select| TogglePin
	Option+Select| TrackFolderDive
     Alt+Select| TrackUniqueSelect
     Alt+Select| Reaper "41665"
	Fader|  TrackVolume
	TrackTouch+Fader|  TrackVolume
	FaderTouch|  TrackTouch

Zone "Pan"
	DisplayUpper|  TrackNameDisplay
	DisplayLower|  TrackPanDisplay
	Rotary| TrackPan "1"
	nameValue				GoZone Home
	Shift+nameValue			GoZone PanWidth
	RotaryPush| 	TrackUniqueSelect
	Fader|  TrackVolume
	FaderTouch+Fader|  GoZone Channel
	Blank1				GoZone "Channel"

Zone "PanWidth"
	DisplayLower|  TrackPanWidthDisplay
	Rotary| TrackPanWidth "1"
	RotaryPush|			GoZone Home
	nameValue				GoZone Home

Zone "Send"
      DisplayUpper| TrackSendNameDisplay
      DisplayLower| TrackSendVolumeDisplay  
	OnTrackSelection MapSelectedTrackSendsToWidgets
	Mute| TrackSendMute
      Fader| TrackSendVolume
      Rotary| TrackSendPan
      RotaryPush| GoZone Home
	nameValue| GoZone Home

Zone "JogWheel"
	JogWheelRotaryCW Reaper "40647" // GRID JOG RIGHT
	JogWheelRotaryCCW Reaper "40646" // GRID JOG JOG LEFT
	Shift+JogWheelRotaryCW Reaper "_SWS_MOVECUR5MSRIGHT" // SLOW JOG
	Shift+JogWheelRotaryCCW Reaper "_SWS_MOVECUR5MSLEFT" // SLOW JOG
	Scrub				GoZone Home

Zone "JogWheelZoom"
	JogWheelRotaryCW Reaper "1012" // ZOOM IN
	JogWheelRotaryCCW Reaper "1011" // ZOOM OUT
	Zoom				GoZone Home

Zone "MasterChannel"
     MasterChannelMeterLeft MasterTrackOutputMeter 0
     MasterChannelMeterRight MasterTrackOutputMeter 1
	MasterFader TrackVolume
	MasterFaderTouch TrackTouch

Zone "FXMenu|1-8"
      DisplayUpper| FXNameDisplay |
      DisplayLower| NoAction
      Rotary| NoAction
      RotaryPush| GoFXSlot |

Zone "FocusedFXParam"
      Fader1 FocusedFXParam
      FaderTouch1 TrackTouch
      DisplayUpper1 FocusedFXParamNameDisplay
      DisplayLower1 FocusedFXParamValueDisplay
      DisplayUpper2 NoAction
      DisplayLower2 NoAction
      DisplayUpper3 NoAction
      DisplayLower3 NoAction
      DisplayUpper4 NoAction
      DisplayLower4 NoAction
      DisplayUpper5 NoAction
      DisplayLower5 NoAction
      DisplayUpper6 NoAction
      DisplayLower6 NoAction
      DisplayUpper7 NoAction
      DisplayLower7 NoAction
      DisplayUpper8 NoAction
      DisplayLower8 NoAction
Are you using the same Zone file for both ?

I would get rid of those Pan/PanWidth zones -- check the wiki -- MCUTrackPan is a much better way to do this.

You will lose the lower display track volume, but there is an upcoming modifier "Takeover" currently in design that will do that for you
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Old 11-24-2020, 11:02 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Cragster View Post
Hey everybody. I posted this in the other thread and got no response. Its al good I know evryone busy .but maybe this is the thread for this. Keep forgetting its split up.anyway....

Looking for some touchosc guidance if possible. I started experimenting trying to get something going on my android phone to no avail. Followed the wiki and tried downloading one of the csi touch layouts to my phone. Kept getting error unable to reach host.

Is it possible to use one of the layouts that come with the touchosc app ? I have no idea what I'm doing so I'm just trying different things.If I use one of thr touchosc layouts then I suppose I have to make a new ost and zone file?

What I'm interested in is a simple touch transport on my phone to work stop,play,record while I'm away at my instrument.

Trying to figure out how to go bout doing that. Or just to get something working. Maybe this is just a little out my league. But any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Check out the Touch OSC Layouts folder in the CSI folder.
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Old 11-24-2020, 11:40 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Cragster View Post
Hey everybody. I posted this in the other thread and got no response. Its al good I know evryone busy .but maybe this is the thread for this. Keep forgetting its split up.anyway....

Looking for some touchosc guidance if possible. I started experimenting trying to get something going on my android phone to no avail. Followed the wiki and tried downloading one of the csi touch layouts to my phone. Kept getting error unable to reach host.

Is it possible to use one of the layouts that come with the touchosc app ? I have no idea what I'm doing so I'm just trying different things.If I use one of thr touchosc layouts then I suppose I have to make a new ost and zone file?

What I'm interested in is a simple touch transport on my phone to work stop,play,record while I'm away at my instrument.

Trying to figure out how to go bout doing that. Or just to get something working. Maybe this is just a little out my league. But any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Hey Cragster,

I replied to you here :

Step 1 is getting TouchOSC Editor on your PC talking to TouchOSC on your phone. Make sure yoru phone is on the network and connected via wifi. Once you get them talking, it's incredibly easy to create some buttons in TouchOSC Editor, transfer them to your phone, and create an .ost file. See my reply for details. You can post back here.
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Old 11-24-2020, 12:07 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Funkybot View Post
Hey Cragster,

I replied to you here :

Step 1 is getting TouchOSC Editor on your PC talking to TouchOSC on your phone. Make sure yoru phone is on the network and connected via wifi. Once you get them talking, it's incredibly easy to create some buttons in TouchOSC Editor, transfer them to your phone, and create an .ost file. See my reply for details. You can post back here.
Thank you so much for your reply. I'm not in studio right now so soon as I am I'll start experimenting again. I was able to get the app template from my phone into the editor on my pc so I know they are talking. I just didnt know what to do from there.
I also tried opening up a csi layout in the editor on my pc but was unable to get it onto the phone app. Kept getting error saying "unable to find host " or something like that. But my pc was showing up in the phone app.i would get that error when I tapped my pc name to download the layout.
I'm saying this all from memory so once I'm in studio I'll post back to you and hopfully you'll be available to give me some guidance. Thanks so much

This is definitely something I'm willing to bang my head against the wall and be frusted to get going .
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Old 11-24-2020, 12:41 PM   #32
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Thanks for looking into this!

Originally Posted by Geoff Waddington View Post
You can just use a button to map the Sends:

someButton MapSelectedTrackSendsToWidgets
Then just GoZone "Home" to get back to normal.

You don't need the / characters at the beginning of empty lines.
I assigned a button to the action "MapSelectedTrackSendsToWidgets" in the Nano.zone (other surface doesn´t have buttons).

But the 8 channels of the Xplus do not map to sends.

I can map the sends to the nano, but I would prefer them mapping to the 8 channel surface.

Doesn´t MapSelectedTrackSendsToWidgets set all the surfaces into send mode, i.e. function universally?

Originally Posted by Geoff Waddington View Post
As far as the crashes, replace:
	Rotary7         FXParam            "6" "Lowpass" [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	Rotary7         FXParam            "6" "Lowpass"
and see if it stops crashing.
Did that, removed all step values, but reaper is still crashing, also with the newest build, from today.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

crashing plugs are ReaComp, VerVerb and ReaVerbate.
Not ReaEQ. I can jump wildly between ReaEQ nothing crashes.

Tested Reaper versions 6.14 to 6.16 all crashing as soon as said plugins are chosen.

When I remove the csurf_integratorx64 from the plugins folder, everything is back to normal again.

Please help!

Last edited by WaveTrans; 11-24-2020 at 01:04 PM.
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Old 11-24-2020, 01:02 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Geoff Waddington View Post
Just press and hold the button on the lower left of the Console 1, it automatically makes the rotaries more fine.
Yes, I know. That's still a limitation though. Without having to hold down Fine Adjust, you could keep both hands on the controls simultaneously, for example adjusting attack and treshold together, or eq gain and Q. It would be nice to be able to choose to have the lower resolution or not, without having to hold Fine Adjust.
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Old 11-24-2020, 01:08 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by WaveTrans View Post
Did that, removed all step values, but reaper is still crashing, also with the newest build, from today.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

crashing plugs are ReaComp, VerVerb and ReaVerbate.
Not ReaEQ. I can jump wildly between ReaEQ nothing crashes.

Tested Reaper versions 6.14 to 6.16 all crashing as soon as said plugins are chosen.

When I remove the csurf_integratorx64 from the plugins folder, everything is back to normal again.

Please help!
Can you post the complete zones for one of them? Maybe something will stick out.

See my reply a few posts down.

Last edited by Funkybot; 11-24-2020 at 01:20 PM.
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Old 11-24-2020, 01:15 PM   #35
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Geoff, while I'm at it. Would it be possible to do something about the 7 bit fader knobs on the C1? I was thinking that perhaps it would be possible to have them interpreted as encoder widgets instead.


As long as the data stream keep increasing the value in a positive direction, or when it stays at 7f, every "tick" would be interpreted as a positive encoder tick. And when the value starts falling, or when it stays at 00, that would be a negative encoder tick. Do you think this could work out? It would make them much more flexible.
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Old 11-24-2020, 01:16 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by ramses View Post
Yes, I know. That's still a limitation though. Without having to hold down Fine Adjust, you could keep both hands on the controls simultaneously, for example adjusting attack and treshold together, or eq gain and Q. It would be nice to be able to choose to have the lower resolution or not, without having to hold Fine Adjust.
Unfortunately, that button does not send a Midi message.

If it did, it would a piece of cake to do what you want.

So, as Console 1 is designed, we have no way of knowing whether it is pressed or not...
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Old 11-24-2020, 01:18 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by ramses View Post
Geoff, while I'm at it. Would it be possible to do something about the 7 bit fader knobs on the C1? I was thinking that perhaps it would be possible to have them interpreted as encoder widgets instead.


As long as the data stream keep increasing the value in a positive direction, or when it stays at 7f, every "tick" would be interpreted as a positive encoder tick. And when the value starts falling, or when it stays at 00, that would be a negative encoder tick. Do you think this could work out? It would make them much more flexible.
Yeah, we've toyed around with this before, didn't get too far.

Doesn't mean we should stop trying though

I agree 100%, encoders with stepped/accelerated values are far superior to fixed 7 bit resolution.

If I recall, the Console 1 internals were fighting us on this.
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Old 11-24-2020, 01:24 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Funkybot View Post
WaveTrans, get rid of the quotes around the parameter numbers.

I had to modify your .zon to fit my surface [changed widget names, also I created an alias called just ReaComp], but even with these changes, when I first loaded it, it also crashed here. So I started taking things out one at a time. When I removed the quotes around the parameter numbers, the crashing stopped.
Thanks for making the effort!
Will try out immedately.
I have to admit, this brougth me close to desparation today...

Strange thing is, that my ReaEQ and ReaGate zones also have the quotes in the same places and they do not crash reaper at all.

But we will see in a couple of minutes.
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Old 11-24-2020, 01:31 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by WaveTrans View Post
Thanks for making the effort!
Will try out immedately.
I have to admit, this brougth me close to desparation today...

Strange thing is, that my ReaEQ and ReaGate zones also have the quotes in the same places and they do not crash reaper at all.

But we will see in a couple of minutes.
Hold on...was wrong. Found the issue!!!

     RotaryPushA2        FXParam 2 [ 0.0 0.003 0.006  ]
See that extra space before the bracket? Get rid of it.

This code works without crashes:

Zone "VST: ReaComp"
     DisplayUpperA1      FXParamNameDisplay 0 "Thresh"
     DisplayLowerA1      FXParamNameDisplay 16 "AutoRelease"
     RotaryB1            FXParam 0
     RotaryA1            FXParam 0 [ 0.0>1.0 ]
     RotaryPushA1        FXParam 16 [ 0.0 1.0 ]
     DisplayUpperA2      FXParamNameDisplay 2 "Attack"
     RotaryB2            FXParam 2
     RotaryA2            FXParam 2 [ 0.0>1.0 ] 
     RotaryPushA2        FXParam 2 [ 0.0 0.003 0.006 ]

     DisplayUpperA3      FXParamNameDisplay  3 "Release"
     RotaryB3            FXParam 3
     RotaryA3            FXParam 3 [ 0.0>1.0 ]
     RotaryPushA3        FXParam 3 [ 0.0 0.01 0.02 ]
     DisplayUpperA4      FXParamNameDisplay 1 "Ratio"
     DisplayLowerA4      FXParamValueDisplay 1 "Ratio"
     RotaryB4            FXParam 1 [ 0.0>1.0 ]
     RotaryA4            FXParam 1 [ 0.0>1.0 ]
     RotaryPushA4        FXParam 1 [ 0.0 0.01 0.02 1.0 ]
     DisplayUpperA5      FXParamNameDisplay 11 "Wet/Dry"
     DisplayLowerA5      FXParamNameDisplay 19 "Bypass"
     RotaryB5            FXParam 11 [ 0.0>1.5 ]
     RotaryA5            FXParam 10 [ 0.0>1.0 ]
     RotaryPushA5        FXParam 19 [ 0.0 1.0 ]
     DisplayLowerA6      FXParamNameDisplay 4 "PreComp"
     DisplayLowerA6      FXParamNameDisplay 15 "AutoMkUp"
     RotaryB6            FXParam 14 [ 0.0>1.0 ]
     RotaryA6            NoAction
     RotaryPushA6        FXParam 15 [ 0.0 1.0 ]
     DisplayUpperA7      FXParamNameDisplay 13 "RMS"
     DisplayLowerA7      FXParamNameDisplay 6 "LoP"
     RotaryB7            FXParam 13
     RotaryA7            FXParam 6 [ 0.0>1.0 ]
     RotaryPushA7        FXParam 6 [ 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.8 1.0 ]
     DisplayUpperA8      FXParamNameDisplay 14 "Knee"
     DisplayLowerA8      FXParamNameDisplay 7 "HiP"
     RotaryB8            FxParam 14
     RotaryA8            FXParam 7 [ 0.0>1.0 ]
     RotaryPushA8        FXParam 7 [ 0.0 0.00175 0.002 0.005 0.0075 ]
     RotaryPushA1        NoAction
     RotaryPushA5        NoAction
     RotaryPushA6        NoAction
Summary of changes:

1. Changed the Plugin Name in the Zone header to match how I renamed it in Reaper (not relavant)
2. Removed the plugin alias (probably not relevant)
3. Changed the widget names to match my surface (not relevant)
4. Removed the "Alias" next to anything that wasn't a display (no change)
5. Removed the quotes around the Parameter Numbers (got us closer)
6. Removed the extra space before the brackets (bingo!)
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Old 11-24-2020, 01:33 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Geoff Waddington View Post
Yeah, we've toyed around with this before, didn't get too far.

Doesn't mean we should stop trying though

I agree 100%, encoders with stepped/accelerated values are far superior to fixed 7 bit resolution.

If I recall, the Console 1 internals were fighting us on this.
Ok, nice to know it might still be possible

Could it not be done the way I was describing then, in CSI somehow?

So like, if you have this:

 000EB96E   1   2     B0    5B    16    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
 000EB9FA   1   2     B0    5B    13    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
 000EBA87   1   2     B0    5B    10    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
 000EBAF4   1   2     B0    5B    0D    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
 000EBBA0   1   2     B0    5B    0A    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
 000EBC3C   1   2     B0    5B    07    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
 000EBD17   1   2     B0    5B    04    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
 000EBDD3   1   2     B0    5B    01    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
 000EBECD   1   2     B0    5B    00    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
 000EBF69   1   2     B0    5B    00    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
 000EC082   1   2     B0    5B    00    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
 000EC12E   1   2     B0    5B    00    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
 000EC228   1   2     B0    5B    00    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
...it would be all negative ticks.

And if you have this:

000FD814   1   2     B0    5B    21    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
000FD8CF   1   2     B0    5B    24    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
000FD9AC   1   2     B0    5B    27    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
000FDAB6   1   2     B0    5B    2A    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
000FFBC1   1   2     B0    5B    27    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
000FFCEC   1   2     B0    5B    24    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
000FFD69   1   2     B0    5B    21    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
000FFDF5   1   2     B0    5B    1E    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
000FFEF3   1   2     B0    5B    1B    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
001000AB   1   2     B0    5B    18    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
00100250   1   2     B0    5B    15    1  ---  CC: Reverb Depth
.. it would be 3 positive ticks, followed by 7 negative ticks?
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