Originally Posted by schwa
This was inadvertently changed in version 6.37 and will be fixed in 6.47 which would be released today. I'm sorry we missed the original report!
A massive thank you from me and also to all the others, especially akademie, who highlighted the issue on various threads, and provided a temporary workaround.
I really appreciate this response on the part of the Reaper Development and Support team. As a paid up user (I had to after a few years of using it for free, cos it really is such a great tool), Reaper has become a tool I use every day, for over 12 hours a day. I listen to all of my Youtube, Spotify, Tidal, via Reaper, so I can analyze audio in real time, do Loudness Measurements, and learn using analysis tools to discover the tricks used in commercial audio and also use the monitoring section in Reaper to correct headphones and speakers.
The MIDI automation features in Reaper, especially because the default plugin Bypass provided by Reaper, is also MIDI automatable, is such an important tool for me, cos it allows me to compare plugin chains, by swapping chains in and out without having to go anywhere near a mouse, e.g. switch my monitoring between headphones and speakers.
Thanks ever so much and I look forward to testing the fix.
In 10 years or more of using Reaper this has been the only significant bug, that has bugged me enough to discuss it on the forum, actually I cannot remember anything else that I considered a Reaper specific bug.
Which is a great testament to Reaper the tool and the community which makes this possible.
Long live the Republic of Reaper !
And to Schwa - thanks also for your JSFX tools and the native plugins you have provided for free, so many years ago, which liberated many of us to the new world of almost unlimited creativity with audio.
Thank you, Thank You.