Metadata not being written to MP3s in batch encoder with FLAC source. Works in 6.42.
-Install Reaper 6.59
-Open Batch Converter
-Use MP3 output format (other output formats seem to still work fine)
-Check "Preserve if possible: Metadata" (older versions called this "Preserve Original file metadata...")
-Add a FLAC file with metadata
-Resulting MP3 doesn't have any metadata
-To compare, install Reaper 6.42 *
-Repeat steps above
-Resulting MP3 _DOES_ have metadata **
* I have only tested versions 6.42 and 6.59 (because I didn't get a chance to upgrade between those two releases). I have tested both versions on two different computers, one running Windows 10 Pro, the other running Windows 7 Pro. I have upgraded and downgraded Reaper on both computers to confirm. The changelog shows lots of changes made to the Batch Converter in version 6.50, so perhaps the bug was introduced then?
** In version 6.59, metadata preservation works when using an MP3 as the source, and it works when using non-MP3 output formats. I haven't tried every combination of source type and output format, but my testing seems to confirm the bug in FLAC source converting to MP3.
By the way, I LOVE the multi-threaded batch conversion in the newer version! Thank You!
Last edited by dbv_; 06-07-2022 at 06:13 AM.
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