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Old 11-07-2023, 04:22 PM   #1
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Default CPU performance issues with multiple video items.

In small projects there is no problem, but as I add a certain number of video items to the timeline the cpu consumption increases. In my project I have about 3000 video items and the cpu consumption reaches 30%, even when idle. However, I don't know if this can be considered a bug, but perhaps there could be an improvement.
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Old 11-11-2023, 07:52 PM   #2
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My reaper chatbot has some thoughts that may or may not be useful:

The CPU performance issues you're encountering in Reaper with a large number of video items can be attributed to the high demand on system resources required to manage and process these items, especially when you reach into the thousands. While this isn't necessarily a bug, there are some optimizations and workarounds that you might consider to reduce CPU load:

Use Subprojects: Reaper’s subproject feature allows you to work on smaller chunks of your project separately, which then can be compiled into your main project as a single consolidated item. This could significantly reduce the CPU load, as each subproject would only have a fraction of the total video items.
Proxies: Reaper supports the use of proxy media, which is a lower-resolution, lighter version of your video files. You can switch to using proxy media for editing to reduce the strain on your CPU and then switch back to the original high-quality files for rendering.
Reduce Preview Resolution: You can decrease the preview resolution of your video items. This is a temporary measure that allows you to work with a less CPU-intensive preview, without affecting the quality of your final render.
Optimize Media Items: Ensure that your video files are in an optimized format for real-time editing. Codecs like H.264 are highly compressed and can be CPU-intensive during playback. Consider using intermediate codecs such as ProRes, DNxHD, or Cineform which are designed for editing and place less strain on the CPU.
Resource Allocation: Check Preferences > Video/REX/Misc and make sure that the 'Video decoder priority' is not set too high, as it could be unnecessarily prioritizing video decoding over other important tasks.
Background Rendering: Consider turning off or reducing background rendering if it's enabled, as it could be using CPU resources even when you're not playing back the video.
Update or Rollback: If you started encountering these issues after an update, consider whether rolling back to a previous, stable version of Reaper might solve the problem. Conversely, if you're using an older version, updating to the latest version could bring performance improvements or bug fixes that address your issue.
System Optimization: Ensure that both your Linux and Windows systems are optimized for audio and video production. This includes updating drivers, disabling unnecessary background processes, and configuring your power settings for high performance.
Remember that adding a vast number of video items to a project is always going to be a tough workout for your system. Regularly saving your project and possibly distributing the workload across different sessions or computers could also help manage the load.
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Old 11-12-2023, 03:27 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by rodimus8bit View Post
In small projects there is no problem, but as I add a certain number of video items to the timeline the cpu consumption increases. In my project I have about 3000 video items and the cpu consumption reaches 30%, even when idle. However, I don't know if this can be considered a bug, but perhaps there could be an improvement.
Are the videos in the project in mp4 format?
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Old 11-13-2023, 05:48 PM   #4
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Hmm yeah some of the video stuff doesn't scale so well with thousands of video items. Maybe try to reduce those?

(we'll look at ways to improve this, too)

Last edited by Justin; 11-13-2023 at 05:56 PM.
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Old 11-15-2023, 03:35 PM   #5
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Good news -- the latest +dev builds (see the pre-release forum) should perform quite a bit better with large numbers of video items.
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Old 11-22-2023, 09:30 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Justin View Post
Good news -- the latest +dev builds (see the pre-release forum) should perform quite a bit better with large numbers of video items.
Excelent info.
I just tried it, but it crashed when I loaded my project. I'll have to wait for the stable version.
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Old 11-22-2023, 09:59 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Justin View Post
Hmm yeah some of the video stuff doesn't scale so well with thousands of video items. Maybe try to reduce those?

(we'll look at ways to improve this, too)
Yes, I have considered compressing all my edits to a single video with loseless compression.
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Old 11-22-2023, 10:03 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by smandrap View Post
Are the videos in the project in mp4 format?
It is a single video with .mp4 extension captured with obs (QSV,h.264), which has many cuts, so there are many items from that video.
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